Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost a year since Jen posted

Hi friends,

Jen has given up on posting on this. Frankly, I forgot we had it. So, I am writing a short update on our life.

We are entering our second winter in New Zealand. I can now say with confidence, Santa Cruz had nicer weather. (Boooooo). Weather here is inclement and changes often daily. I guess I shouldn't be surprised--it is an island after all.

The boys are getting big. I am constantly blown away at how fast they are growing and how adaptable they are. I'm proud of them and they teach me so much about life. Jen is a superstar who does so much it seems thanks is simply an insult. I feel quite lucky to be here, with my family, doing something I love doing.

Oh, yeah, how's the job? I love it. It is crazy, challenging and never ceases to surprise me, but I am daily convinced this is what I'm meant to do and feel God's pleasure when I do it. El Rancho is a special place and I know in time it will become so much a part of our story. Now it still seems new. I have completed a year and a few months here and I still feel a bit like I'm on vacation. I wonder when we will go home back to Capitola and go back to life as usual, but am quickly reminded that this is home and we are living life as usual (which is unusual mostly). I fed Alpacas and Emus today. I spilled feed on my head. (Don't ask me how). I tried to stay home from work today, but went in for a couple meetings and didn't actually get done what I hoped. That's ok since I have tomorrow. I'm mostly content and happy with work, but need to get away more for reflection and prayer. I am better after I have had time alone and need to do it regularly.

I'm spending a lot of time lately wondering what I like to do besides work. I really like to work. I always have. I remember beginning as a volunteer when I was 12 or something. I loved going to work and doing something significant. I'm still the same. That life has left me wondering though, what do I like to do for a hobby? I don't know. I know I like to be on the water, but never surf. The surf here sucks anyway. I can't afford a sailboat and certainly don't have time for it. I would love a beagle, but then I would sacrifice a wife. no go there. I like working out, but don't. I love to dance, but am scared to get my groove on. I could rollerskate, but there isnt a rink. I love to eat, but it makes me fat. I love TV, but that makes me fat and lazy. I love reading, but that is harder to do with kids this age. It's hard to find a new thing.

I think I will begin to dance and workout or buy a kayak or something. I want to spend time on things I say, "I love this!"

That's life for me. Hope you got a glimpse. Perhaps I will write more and update our blog. I love to write. :)