Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Birds!

It really did sound like a lovely plan... The clouds had cleared, the sun was out, and we were anxious to share the best fish-n-chips experience in the area with Katie and Heidi. We ordered our food from the little fish shack - the fish had just come off the boat hours earlier - hopped in the car and drove a mile to the beach. We parked and started piling out with our food and our beach blankets. No sooner had Katie exited the car, she was greeted by some very hungry birds. Within seconds, she was racing back to the car yelling,
"Shut the door! Shut the door!! They're after me! Get back in and shut the door!!"
(Or something to that effect - see video.)

We ended up enjoying our delicious meal in the car. Despite the cramped quarters, it was still the best fish-n-chips in town!

Potty Party!!


We are officially out of diapers. Well, our children are, so I guess that means we are as well. We had Eliot's potty party this week, and amidst many new pairs of undies and a game of
"Pin the Undies on Eliot" we celebrated this great milestone in our littlest one's life. He is out of "nappies" earlier than his brothers, but I pushed him a bit harder. Because he consistently did "big business" often 4-6 times before noon, I was done with diapers, whether he was or not. But lots of gummy bears helped him along and we are all happy to have crossed the finish line. It does feel strangely like a kid getting out of school for the summer... Freedom!!