Saturday, July 4, 2009

I kind-of hate birthdays

I am reminded a couple of times a year (at birthdays and Christmas specifically) why we do no buy our kids toys. We took Corban and Dillon shopping for their birthdays last weekend and let them pick out whatever they wanted. They (thankfully) picked out the same thing - a very loud light up sword. Only problem: Eliot didn't get one. So while C and D ran around the house sword-fighting, E followed them screaming and trying to snatch them away. Would it have been worth the $20 just to get him one as well? As I listened to C come running to me whining (about 20 times n hour), "Mom! Eliot took my sword out of my special place!" I was ready to part with my $20. But then what kind of lesson does that teach? So I passed the buck. I sat with C and D and asked if they would like a good solution to E always stealing their swords. They did indeed. I persuaded them to use a bit of their birthday money to buy E a sword of his own so he didn't keep taking theirs. They were happy to do this. So, at their birthday party, they gave E his very own sword.

The only problem? Dill got a skateboard and a new battle has begun...


  1. I understand your I get two of everything, since I have twins?

  2. SORRY!!!!

    i thought the skateboard was a great idea! I'll send another $20 for you to get one for E for his bday!
