Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Both Dillon and Eliot started "kindy" last week - hurray!!! The NZ government pays for all children ages three and up to attend 20 hours/week of pre-school (known here as kindergarten). Eliot turns three next month, so we are footing the bill until then, but the minimal $4.50/hour is well worth the six hour break I get! Dill is attending two full days and Eliot is attending one full day, with hopes that a second day spot will open up for him around his birthday in September. E wouldn't give me any video footage on his first day, but I did get a few words from D. Enjoy!!

Earplugs and Peanut Butter Balls

As a teenager, I babysat for these kids whose favorite snacks were these ultra-healthy peanut butter balls. I asked the mom how she made them once, and she started rambling off things like wheat germ, sesame seeds, powdered milk... I think I stopped listening at wheat germ. Way too complicated. Lately, I have found myself craving these snacks, and (thanks to, which I might as well just make my home page for how I often I look at it) I recently found a basic recipe that sounded like it may work. As it always goes with three busy little ones, the recipe has been sitting in my head now for about two weeks with no time for its actual execution.

I knew this project could no longer wait after an incident two nights ago. I lay in bed, dreaming away about eating loads of these scrumptious peanut butter balls. Then I realized it wasn't a dream - I had peanut butter balls right in bed with me! I hungrily went to grab one (out of my ear, of course) and suddenly woke up with disgust as I realized I was munching on my earplug. No joking. I grabbed it, now laughing at myself. It was 5:30am. I fell asleep with my half-eaten earplug clenched in my hand and woke up two hours later, still grasping it.

I knew I had to take action. Later that evening, I put Corban to work and we made a batch of peanut butter balls, hoping to get them out of my dreams and into my tummy. Corban and I ate about half the batch before bed, and my night was dream-free of peanut butter balls. And so that you may know the great delights of these delicious treats, here is the basic recipe:

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup dry, powdered milk
1/2 cup honey
Mix these three ingredients together and then throw in whatever else you may have on hand. I threw in coconut, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. I need to buy wheat germ, because I know this is the one thing that will duplicate the ones I had as a kid. Roll the mixture into balls and stick in the fridge for an easy anytime snack. I imagine these would also be amazing dipped in chocolate. YUM!!