Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Both Dillon and Eliot started "kindy" last week - hurray!!! The NZ government pays for all children ages three and up to attend 20 hours/week of pre-school (known here as kindergarten). Eliot turns three next month, so we are footing the bill until then, but the minimal $4.50/hour is well worth the six hour break I get! Dill is attending two full days and Eliot is attending one full day, with hopes that a second day spot will open up for him around his birthday in September. E wouldn't give me any video footage on his first day, but I did get a few words from D. Enjoy!!


  1. um...I HEART DILLON. Analise wants to go to school so bad. Hope the boys love it!

  2. So cute! How fun for the boys and you! Love you and miss you guys!
