Monday, April 6, 2009

First Days

We have arrived in New Zealand with all our fingers, toes and children.  That is good.  The flight was smooth and our last week was precious.  We got to see many wonderful friends and family and couldn't be more thankful for everyone making the effort to come see us.  

The flight was bumpy, but we are no worse for the wear.  The kids slept most of the way and that worked out nicely.  I on the other hand, did not sleep much at all.  I just can't seem to relax when my kids are unbuckled in a vehicle of any kind.  It is especially bad when its the kind that is cruising at 30,000 feet and traveling 500 miles per hour. 

I am sure it all goes back to the flight I took to Nova Scotia.  The plane had such severe turbulence at one point the attendants began screaming (you know its bad when that happens) and the drink cart went flying uncontrollably to the back of the plane before hitting the galley wall.  I remember it so well since I was sharply surprised by the sound of screaming directly followed by the feeling of weightlessness as the plane plummeted what felt like thousands of feet.  We were in a dive for what seemed like 90 seconds.  We jerked around after that and then the rest was (relatively) smooth sailing.

Maybe it was that memory, or just the excitement of the trip...I just don't know, but I didn't relax on the 13 hour flight.  I just imagined turbulence and Dillon (next to me) floating up in the air.  I had to stay awake to catch him if it happened.

Once we arrived, it was all good.  We were greeted warmly and made our way to Waikanae.  We stayed at the Country Patch a B&B owned by some of the camp trustees.  It was wonderful to spend a few days adjusting and resting before we jumped into our new life.

We have enjoyed many things so far:  Wonderful food (fish and chips for example), driving on the left side of the road (except for the instance that I turned down the wrong side into a shopping mall lot and got a few honks), touching the beach and the pacific from another side of the world, shopping in a Pak 'n' Save and feeling totally overwhelmed, learning a very different version of English, opening a bank account and living out of suitcases for far too long now.

First impressions?  It is just outrageously beautiful here.  The weather has been superb and the hospitality top notch.  We are truly feeling "sweet as". (the Kiwi expression for good)

I started work today and we are now residing at the camp in temporary accommodations. The kids are really enjoying the camp and playing with the other kids living here.  They have definitely found some new friends and are having fun. Work was somewhat standard.  I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing since there is so much location specific detail.  However, camps seem to have a familiar feel and I think I will manage as soon as I learn this camp's systems.  

I began our first morning tea by encouraging the staff that this camp belongs to God and that we are here to discover His dream for the place.  I read a passage from Ephesians 4 and invited everyone to commit themselves to the "unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace."  As I have been praying about what God's purpose for bringing us here is, the theme of unity has continually come up.   Our hope is to build and preserve the unity here in hopes that God will bless our efforts and grow his Kingdom.

There is much work to do and we will have our share of challenges.  Already one staff member has resigned since we arrived and I would not be surprised of others follow.  It will require much trust on our part to persevere in our new assignment.

More on this later, but it seems that the old prayer I offered some 3 years ago is now answered. I asked what was next for the Namba's in ministry.  El Rancho is what's next for now.



  1. Your prayers are being answered--and ours as well. We have been praying that you would be able to bring your wisdom and gifts to use. Reading this is so encouraging! I know that your experience over the last 3 years specifically has already shaped your vision.

    I wish I could be there to help!!

  2. So glad you are there, safe, sound and enjoying the fabulous land! Know that you are prayed for and both Markus and I are excited to see what God will do through you there. NZ needs Jesus...and unity! Know you missed much, and Markus also wants me to tell you that he is serious about being there. You are going to do a fantastic is so right that you are there right now!

  3. I just found your magnet you sent out before you left with your blog on it! so i'm subscribed now and happy to hear how you guys are doing. :) I've been wondering about you often. Love to you all. ~Karen
