Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not in Kansas Anymore

My first blog entry. I think I have been waiting for a pithy title, and since this nod to Oz has been my mantra of the day, I decided the time had come...

As I walked through the grocery store today trying to decipher calories (known here as "energy" - sounds way better than calories, right? I am eating lots of "energy" not calories!) in various foods, I had my first real, "I think she's crazy" look from a store worker. I asked the woman in the green vest where I could find half-n-half. She looked at me like I was nuts. "You know, half cream, half milk..." Then her face shifted to dismay as she gave me the, "Oh, wow, you lazy Americans can't even mix your own milk products" look. I foolishly dared to ask her if they maybe had flavored cream for coffee (I miss my vanilla coffemate!) and this time I am sure she thought I was from a distant planet. I sulked away with my straight cream in hand - we will see how that works out in my morning coffee...

Speaking of coffee, I confess I miss a good cup of joe these days. When people ask if you want a cup of coffee here, they mean instant. My new friend Cathy was literally in shock that I had never had instant coffee before. "How do you make coffee?" she asked. She didn't even know what a coffee pot was (and she's a smart girl). She has an espresso machine, but no coffee pot to speak of. If you want something that happened to come from a filter, that would be the type of thing you'd pay money for in a coffee shop. And since I don't have any decent creamer to sweeten up my instant coffee anyway, I think I may just have to switch to drinking tea (with milk and sugar, of course).

We may not be in Kansas, but life over the rainbow is still pretty good. It feels right to be here. And though there are days I'd like to kick my heels and go home, I am glad to be here. But can someone please send me some coffemate??

(And, really Starbucks, Ready Brew??)


  1. I wish I could send you EVERYTHING you need. but i'm not sure how vanilla coffeemate creamer will do in the mail.

    TEACH them about coffee. that is important!

  2. i love that you are in another culture. i feel like i have another friend to relate a somewhat similar cross cultural way. we don't have a ton of familiar things, but after awhile it becomes second nature, and its fun to laugh about. make sure you keep laughing. that is the key! anyhow....make the switch to tea! you can do it. love you heaps Jen! love ali

  3. As Ali said, you will get used to it...NZ does have some fantastic things that the States doesn't. may have already noticed but like all other countries aside from the US, nothing is open on Sunday. That takes a while to get used to, but it is actually nice.

    I actually had someone make me a 'french press' coffee with instant coffee...ha ha ha! oye! miss you guys and think of and pray for you daily!

  4. you could make your own half n half-it actually tastes better! How much would it cost to ship you coffee? ;)

  5. While I appreciate that people are trying to be supportive by telling you you'll get used to it - I say don't give in. Instant coffee?? There are somethings that should not be gotten used to. If you need, I'll send you a coffee maker and some good beans. Life is too short for bad joe. As for the rest, I'm happy to hear you're doing well and enjoying the beauty of your new surroundings! We're praying for you and miss you out here!! Much love you, kt

  6. Speaking of not in kansas anymore... we watched wizard of oz last night. little scarry for luke. bella was brave, although luke clams he is brave. dreams will prove the bravest as nights pass. We will see! Love reading the updates of all the new and differents. Can't wait to skyp it with you soon! PS- Rod's dad sent a paper with a funny write up on "you" kiwis- will post it (you know mail it) soon! Love love love.

  7. okay, I'm with Katie...teach them. They will appreciate it. I had a roommate that drank Foldgers (I didn't know anyone my age would ever do such a thing) until we lived together. I taught her about real coffee and she thanks me to this day. I can't send you creamer, but I can send you a coffee maker and coffee.
